The Kali Sikaran Programs consists of six fundamental blocks and four additional blocks on the higher ranks. Altogether there's ten different blocks that serve different purposes in the practitioners development. Here's a short presentation of the different blocks.
At first that might just seem as an endless bunch of confusing techniques, and there's a lot of people that think Kali is very confusing. That's why the Kali Sikaran Programs is developed with just that in mind.
There are built in exercises and principles that bridges between the different blocks to make sure that the practitioner get more repetitions event though it's in different settings and different blocks. Eventfully it makes' more sense for the practitioner, the goal is to simplify the learning process and create less confusion.
To make the concept work it takes a qualified instructor that can teach the pedagogics and methodology properly. If not the programs will just be like any other program, just a bunch of confusing techniques. Hence the Kali Sikaran Instructor training program where we teach how to teach the program. And that's the path to true understanding of the Kali Sikaran Program.
When you know something so good that you can teach it to others, that's when you really know it for yourself!
"Teacher Teach me with Respect from My Heart"